Monday, November 29


My relationship with Stan has become.. Idk what to even call it. It's definitely complicated. I don't like how it's come to fighting everyday, esp since he won't ever call me, and we fight through text. That's the stupidest thing ever. Anyway, today, I think we both realized that we're on the last straw of our sanity. We can't continue to fight everyday, but do we wanna break up? I sent him a text saying that, and he responds with I've thought about breaking up, b/c it would be easier, but then I don't wanna lose you, etc. Then I asked what we should do since we're stuck, and he decides that's the time to end our conversation, saying he has more stuff to do. That's the crap that I'm talking about. Do you really think that in the middle of a fight it's okay to just up and leave? Ugh.

My relationship with somebody really close has basically faltered. I don't wanna put their name out there, just b/c. I guess it's due to the lack of time we've spent together, the lack of communication. The growing that we've all done, it's prolly made it difficult for us to remain friends. I dislike a lot of your actions, and I don't think you're a nice person, a fair person. I believe you take advantage of people to get what you want. I believe that you feel you are slightly above others by the way you act. And sometimes you throw out random knowledge, that simply doesn't make sense. Or you try to throw out knowledge that makes you seem smarter, but it feels as if you're shoving a fancy education down our throats.

My relationship with school has become really difficult. I'm going to stop attending night class, b/c I need to focus more on AI which I don't do now. I wish I could do both, but I really can't. I gotta focus on one thing, and AI's definitely more important. I gotta do better b/c I'm already falling behind. But it will not happen ever again. Just a rough week for me, that's all.

My work relationship isn't really there. I need to go to the rink and talk to these people, b/c it's not happening. I need money, and fast. I was relying on this job, but maybe now I'll just try to look elsewhere.

My relationship with Vasiliy is pretty awesome. I love just spending time with him, having him sleep on me, having him around. I always feel better knowing he's here. He's a pretty good dog, he just needs a lot of attention, that I'm going to give him once this semester at City is over.

Have you ever felt like you've been walked on by somebody close? That they just use you to for something, then when you expect to have the same thing returned, it never happens? That's how I feel. And it sucks.

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