Saturday, November 13

More Positive

So, things w/ me and Stan have gotten better, I believe. Idk how long it'll last. It's kinna sad to think we're just stuck in this situation. Neither of us wanna start over new, so we try to work out our issues, but honestly, sometimes it seems pointless cuz Idk when Stan will go back to his old ways. Idk if Stan really changed that time. Idk if I should give him another chance, if I deserve another chance. He's also moving this upcoming weekend to San Mateo since his parents bought a house out there. That means a longer drive for him to see me (if he keeps it up) and if I go and see him, that's also a ways.

Vasiliy went to school today. It sucked b/c I was there all by myself, and I needed help. I was frustrated. Seriously frustrated. I couldn't get him to do hardly anything. Ugh. Hopefully Stan will come through. And he got his new dog bed for his crate. Woohoo. It looks kinna feminine, but it was the only one they had. Now I gotta find either a some good dog shampoo to cure him of this white stuff he has and his shedding OR find a really good and cheap groomer. Dogs are soo expensive. Anyway, the class was fine b/c he got to play with other puppies. He wore himself out, and I'm really excited b/c I can get a lot done when he's sleeping.

I need to find a job. Something, and quick. I really don't wanna work at the rink this year, nor any year ever again. I dislike this mess. I dislike that environment now. It's not good, and the pay isn't that much better. I just wish I could've scheduled alla this stuff in a different pattern. My finances are low, but I'm going to make this work. I think I should start selling off alla these textbooks that I have to make a quick dollar.

I'm still not happy with my family situation. Idk why they treat me the way they do, why they don't keep their word. I swear to the highest of heavens I will keep my word whenever I have children. It's such a heartbreaking experience to have to go through whenever stuff like that happens. I am not asking for a lot. I'm asking for a laptop. It's not that much. My mom's bitching a/b me asking for financial aid, but that shit hasn't even come in yet. I'm working on a hope and a prayer that it'll get solved. My financial aid just barely covers what I need for school. The laptop is the least they can do. I'm pretty much taking care of everything else on my own. They're not paying for anything anymore. This laptop is the equivalent of a/b a year of me being at City. Idk why they just won't do it. Joi just comes in and out of my room. Knocking the door open and then walking in doesn't mean that I wanted you in here. You have no respect for personal space. My dad is super cheap.

Things I must do:
  • Go to 555 Portola Drive to pick up a copy of my transcript
  • Study for this Biology test on Monday
  • Call for an appt to start the process of registering Vasiliy
  • Clean my room (purge the majority of my clothes)
  • Find shampoo OR a groomer

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