Tuesday, November 9

I really don't know

So , there are a ton of things that I want to get off my chest a/b the whole me & Stan thing.. but Idk where to even begin. I think we semi settled it, but I'm debating whether or not I should send him an email really explaining how I feel. Hmm..

It's November, so that means it's time for the Rink. Yay, kinna. I'm going to be working TWO jobs, trying to save money for Disneyworld, but Idk if it'll be enough. Plus I gotta save for loans. And I got an email to work at this other job, and I'm hoping this lady will return my call soon. I can't wait for this semester at City to end. I'll be free virtually all the time.

And school starts for me on Thursday. I'll be a student at the AI of Pittsburgh, Online Division. Taking three classes a quarter. I hope to finish this first school year quickly, get a REAL job, and then continue on with my schooling for the next two years. Holla. I'm still upset at my parents for not wanting to get my the laptop that I REALLY need, but they'll come around and see that it's the smartest way to go. Esp since I'm very responsible of my things. Ahem, ahem.

Family. Omgah, I'm really sick of Joi. Stan says we should be in the condo w/n the next year, and I REALLY hope he means that. Hell, as soon as I get this dog registered, I might just spend more time at the condo. I can't stand her. She isn't respectful. I have to yell at her SEVERAL time for her just to do one thing. I don't like her in my space, or near my area. My parents don't even punish her. They let her get away with shit and that makes me even more angry.

Vasiliy is such a big dog. I love him very much. He's the best dog EVER in the world of dogs. He's house trained. I just gotta make sure that when he's ready, I'm ready, otherwise he'll just go. I wish Stan was around more to see his development. It's pretty cool. It's nice how he knows when it's nap time, how to sit down when I feed him, how to chew on certain things in my room.

Things I gotta do, soon:
  • Go to 555 Franklin to get my transcript.
  • Call for a psychiatry appt to start the process for the dog
  • Buy Vasiliy a new dog bed
  • Call SFSPCA for the switching of classes
  • Call Angela to check in
  • See if Stan will watch Vasiliy Thursday
  • See if Stan wants me to work Friday

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