Sunday, November 14

Heavy Eyes

I've been glued to my laptop as of lately. If it's not something for Bio, it's AI. That class is time consuming. I have to read over things SEVERAL times and read in between the lines to make sure I've included everything. I have a test in bio 2m and I hope I do well. And I have a few papers to type for DSGN 101 that are due, w/h I'll prolly take care of 2m before night class. I'm actually quite sad that the group project is ending. I think it's b/c I was lucky enough to have an awesome group, that now it feels kinna lonesome. It'll be back to the boring stuff in that class, and I'm dreading it. If there weren't a few weeks left and if I hadn't suffered as much as I did already, I would drop. But there's no point. City will be over in a matter of weeks. I'm glad. I'm just sad that I'm going to be home alla time, b/c then I think everybody will expect me to be doing everything for them. No bueno.

Vasiliy is soo house trained now. Every time he has even the slightest hint of pee, he walks to the door. I try to wait it out, so he doesn't get used to me taking him out every 30 mins just b/c he feels the urge. I feel bad b/c I didn't give the attention he deserves from me today, but that's how it's gotta be sometimes. He's learning how to just play by himself which is good. I love him so. I just hope he stays that size for ever and ever and ever. If he gets any bigger, we gotta buy a bigger crate. Omgah, that reminds me, he's almost outta food. If it's not gas, dog supplies, feminine stuff, I'm broke. Omgah. He's growling at himself in the mirror right now. It's super cute.

I need this year to fly by super quick so that this real job will start. I should start looking for an internship, b/c I'm sure I could do that.

I'm gonna take Vasiliy out for one last walk, change into pajamas, drink some juice and get in the bed. My eyes need a break from the laptop glow. And Vasiliy is craving for my attention.

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