Thursday, January 6

It's really 2011

2011 is very difficult to say. It doesn't roll off your tongue like other previous years. Anyway, some things have changed, some thing haven't. Where to begin?

My Adventures over the Break were unbelievable. Thanks to my soul mate, Jess, she made everything a blast. From random house functions, to hotel parties, to clubs and bars, we had a blast together. I spent a lot of time drinking, enjoying the perks of being 21. I had a really nice time with friends during the past few weeks. It was a sad day in my life when she left. I made some new friends, reconnected w/ old ones, and got rid of a few as well. The quotes from the break would have to be "But my tank top!", "My car seat is broken!", "Wait, why did we do that?" and "She can have one more drink." It was fun. I wish Jess was done with school so we could continue w/ our adventures.

Katy was in Taiwan so she missed out on a lot of these adventures, but I'm sure she had fun. She had to have fun. She only called me once. I missed her terribly, but she is back in the country, so I gotta fill her in on alla these things. And I'll break her in to be a wing girl. She doesn't have to do much, just be there so I can go out. Ahahah.

My relationship with Stan has been rocky and I don't know why. I think after that long talk we had, we were good, but then... somehow something changed. I need more from him. It's obviously not going to happen anytime soon, even though I want it. I want a lot of things, but wanting alone won't change anything. I've been trying to actually work for what I want, but it's not happening. It seems like the harder I want something to happen, the more it backfires on me. Whatever is happening, I'm trying to change it. Over this break, I've realized I love him, and that I want him more than anything else in the world. I'm committed to him like no other, and it scares me, just a little. I made a grown up decision, and I'm proud of myself. So, he has a year left, as I think I mentioned before. I really hope something comes outta this year. And on a good note, our three year anniversary is next month. I'm super saving from here on out, gotta make sure I don't spend anything for anything cuz I need it all for the trip to Disneyworld. I'm so excited. Flight booked, room booked, itinerary planned, day by day, park by park. Down to where we should eat. I'm so excited for everything this trip. Six days, just with each other. I think we need this. It should shape our relationship tons. I gotta find my camera, b/c there's gonna a ton of things that I wanna take pictures of. I honestly can't stop cheesing super hard over this trip.

I've been spending time with Daniella and baby Beyah (who's officially one today! Happy birthday Beyah) and they're a cute pair. I can see how happy Daniella is when she looks at Beyah, and even though there is a ton of drama b/w Daniella and Noel, I'm glad to have Beyah's cute self. She's looking a LOT more like Daniella now. Yay!

My first quarter at AI is done and I'm happy with that. I wish I had a better laptop, and that I wasn't forced to use this. I'm trying to save alla my efforts and not use what little things I have just in case I have to redownload it, but it seems like I might just be stuck with this piece of junk. I didn't get the laptop I wanted for Christmas, which makes me sad. I really wanted it for school. I was talking a/b getting this laptop for the longest time, and didn't get it. Joi got her Wii, I got... a case for my Nook that Stan bought me. Ugh.

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