Monday, January 24

Omgah, the way things work

Broken laptop, new laptop. No internet fixed internet. One house phone. No time for anything, no I'm procrastinating.

I have a new laptop. It's definitely NOT the one I wanted, but it'll do. It's definitely better than what I had. I wish I could configure a few things, maybe I'll ask Stan a/b them later. School was put on hold since I didn't have access to anything. Vasiliy was put on the back burner since Jess was in town. My relationship took a tumble and he blew things outta proportion and I don't think he ever forgave me. Not to say I'm not to blame, but maybe this is just a word of the wise. I feel like even after alla that, and how may times he's done things that has hurt me, it'd be really fair for me to just up and leave since what he did wasn't nearly as bad as what I did. Which in turn makes me feel stuck in this relationship. Ugh. Things are getting better, but it's definitely one of those one step forward two step backwards type of thing. I wish the tables were turned and he could see the difficulty and the challenges he's putting me through. It's not fair that I'm always the one being burned because he doesn't stop to think a/b things. I wasn't always in a bad mood, but you gotta realize that certain things will affect me. Ugh.

Vasiliy has a new crate, and just getting it was an experience. It's so huge. I can fit in it w/ him. There were guys there that were so trying to holla at me it wasn't even funny. "Hey mama. You gotta boyfriend?" I point to Stan's car as he's driving up to get me with the cart and the big ass box. "You wanna take down my number just in case he's not treating you right?" "No thanks. He's doing an excellent job." "Why you color blind?" "What?" "Just take my number." STAN "Go return the cart and I'll meet you out front." My goodness. Now Vasiliy has hella room.

I've decided that this week my main project is to empty the area where my desk is, remove my desk, put my dresser towards that wall, and Vasiliy's crate toward the wall where my dresser is. If it'll fit and not cover the heater. B/c I don't use that desk. And that crate is just in the way of my life. So something needs to give. I'd put it in the spot of where the desk is, but that's in front of my closest and I don't want him to shed all over my clothes. We'll see. It'll take a hope, a prayer, and some big manly hands for me to get alla that done this week.

It's seriously almost February. Not to say that as only talking a/b my trip, but that means January is over with. This month flew by. I guess with alla Joi's games, the drama I've been having with Stan, the issues with Vasiliy, not wanting to be home b/c of parents.. It's just like I really don't have time to pay attention to the time. Now, it is almost trip time. what to pack? Is it gonna be warm? Should I bring lots of skirts and dresses? Or just jeans? Curling iron? Extra hair ties? Where will my money come from? When will me and Stan look at dog hotels? There are so many little things that need to be solved before anything over this trip. I hope this hotel has wifi. And shuttle service. Though it's a mile away, after walking all day in the parks, I don't wanna walk more to get back to the hotel.

What else is there to say? Oohh cakes. Just as a reminder; you can not have your cake and eat it too, even if you have two cakes. One cake is more than enough. No other type of cake dessert can be added to this equation either. Now only to make this happen correctly. I must say, things were a lot easier before. I gotta do this, to make myself happy. I may have to hurt other people's feelings, but it needs to be done for me to be happy. Me > you. Unless you SKB.

I should really go to school right now. But I kinna just don't wanna.

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