Saturday, June 13

Yepp, I'm doing it.

I'm gonna tell Stan how it is on Sunday during our usual chill after his work hours. I need to let him know how I feel for/about alla this stuff that's been happening. I love him dearly, but I don't think he feels the same. I feel like I've been carrying the weight of our relationship on my shoulders for a long time, and I just can't do it anymore. It's getting too heavy and I want to worry about other things.

So, I'm done talking to Nikita. He's just an Aiden. Ahahah. That was the funniest shit. Anyway, he's upset b/c of me and Stan's relationship and how he doesn't have anybody to fall back on like how we have each other. So Nikita, you can just hush your face.

I didn't send Zarr an email yesterday b/c I was so upset. I saw that he checked into his Myspace after I sent him like, four emails in the time before that. It's like, you have to check your email but not reply to ONE of my emails ? Whatever then. Don't be expecting a lot from me anymore. I'm over it.

Today is finally a day where I'm gonna be outta the house. School supplies is first with Katt. Then we're gonna wait for Jess to get back home, w/h can take who knows how long b/c she's never on time for anything in her life. Then we're headed to Mikey's partay. It's gonna be interesting b/c I saw that Joyce is gonna be there. I haven't seen/spoke to her since that incident, and now that her & Aiden are broken up, I'm over her. I love Aiden, and she was a bad choice for him, imo. He knows he could've done better. And why on Earth did he let her move into his house ? Geeze, oh well.

I sold my first book today on Amazon. I was all ready to go to the post office, when I saw that the book was going to a person on Libson st. That's like, five minutes from my house. I sent him an email asking if I can just drop it off at his front door or something. I really don't want to waste my five dollars to ship something that I can drop off, you know ?

I slept horribly last night, and these people are way loud in the mornings. I'm gonna eat some breakfast and then go back to sleep, hopefully. I don't really gotta be up until about one when I'm gonna hop in the shower and alla that other good stuff. I wanna be dt kinna early so I don't have to worry about alla people, but I'm parking at Stan's work, so I gotta wait until he's there.

There's a stupid Special Agent Oso marathon on right now. I wanted to watch my Handy Manny & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Those are my morning shows.

I start school on Monday. Yay me. Ahahah.

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