Saturday, July 31


Why is it that they are never on your side when you need them to be ? I swear, the way my mom does things and treats me and Joi is completely unfair. I just want her to be on my side, and hear my opinion on things. She always make it seem like I'm the bad guy. Case in point, today while we were at Westlake, Joi decides to kick me in the frickin' leg for no reason. She had intended to trip me, but missed, kicked my leg, and stepped on my new shoes. Now, if I did any of that to her, in the middle of a parking lot, where there were HELLA cars zooming by, I know she'd be hella scared. She just needs to realize what the hell she is doing. The dumb ho doesn't ever think before she acts. So, today was also Mom's birthday, so happy birthday. I know it wasn't a good one, but it started and ended with your other daughter being a bitch. Blame her. I just react and suddenly I'm the one who caused it all. What the fuck ever.

So the past two nights I went over to Edgar's and chilled with him and his group of friends. Um, awkward to the max. I wish I didn't even go to the first one on Thursday. That was just all bad. Hella drama over nothing. Well, maybe it was over something, but I know I didn't need to be involved in it. I didn't like the situation I was put in that night, and I know it'll never happen again. I will never hold back my feelings for the sake of somebody else. Sorry. Then last night, it was a bit more chill, but I wasn't feel the environment. I sat and played Peggle all night. Well, for like an hour. Ahahaha. Jess & Katt watched. Then I lost and got bored, so I decided that it was just time I bounced. So we left. I didn't even get a chance to talk to Edgar a/b how I felt a/b all that happened last night, but I think he got the point through alla the texts that were sent. Tonight it's just gonna be me and the girls doing what we do best, EATING. Ahahahah.

Why do people dress so poorly now a days ? I mean, even if you're dressed down, make an effort. Even when I'm ugly, I'm cute. I couldn't stand some of the shit that people were wearing at that event last night. Like, seriously. Why would you even leave your house in those outfits ? I'm too honest. I have a mouth that shouldn't be filtered, ahahahah.

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