Sunday, July 25


I thank Stan for having common sense in our relationship, even though I do wanna progress it. I'm reading a/b alla these couples who are my age and living together, and how they're breaking up. It's kinna whatever. It sucks balls. I mean, you should know that you're not old enough to handle that type of stress in a relationship. It's no beuno. I want to live with Stan, but for selfish reasons. I think that I'd get sick of him if I were to really see him everyday of my life. So to alla the couples out there who thought they were different and that love would make it all easy, ahaha in your face. Grow up. This is real life, not a fairy tale.

My boyfriend is officially 23 ! I love him so. I gave him a surprise, a 40 inch screen Samsung TV. I think he was shocked. I also think he was a bit upset that I bought him something so big, so soon. I knew he liked it, but I also was upset at his reaction. That's why I'm no longer do surprises. I can't read reactions. They kinna make it not worth it. But I hope I don't regret this choice. And I have to pay it off soon. Omgah, I really did that. Today his family is gonna have a picnic or something.. I think I'm gonna go and feel really awkward. Hmm.

I missed a big family picnic to spend time with Stan, and I feel bad. I know today there will be a small argument over this. It just sucks. But this is life. We can't be us if we're not arguing. I hope the picnic was fun.

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