Friday, October 28

Omgah, I don't know where to begin with this. Not at all. Like, so much random stuff happened.

Goodbye SKB. We are no longer on friends terms. I don't know why any of that happened. It makes me sad thinking about it. But it reached a point where I was the only one trying. A relationship can't work if it's only based on one person trying. That's not compromising, it's giving in. And I was sick of giving in. So I guess that just ended that. I can't even say I have feelings for him. The last thing he said was "I don't think I appreciate you enough." Those words are stinging. Even worse than "I'm only on time to important things." I don't think he realizes how badly he's hurt me. And I guess he doesn't really care. There's nothing left for me to do, I've exhausted all my options. Maybe when he's ready he'll come back around.

Now for some good news.
Yesterday was HELLA fun. I saw my lbo and Beyah. Beyah is so freaking cute. Say gracias, caca. Then I raced over to pick up Jess and go to Jeff's for nightlife at the Academy of Sciences. On the way there, we ate gyros. Hella yummy though. Walked a little ways as we ate, chatted. I almost died walking on the rocks that were over there. Get in line, and there's this security guard who's super nice who tries to holla. I flirted back. He offered to buy me a drink, but we left too early. Oh, got the most awesomest sweatshirt. Revolve in Peace Pluto. Yes, b/c I'm such a nerd. So we exchanged numbers. Then it was back to Jeff's until it was time to hit up Holy Cow. Yummy ass tea though. Minus whent he teabag kept hitting me in the face when we were finishing the tea. Then we decided to roll out. Holy Cow this time was PERFECT. Well, in the sense of dancing without being angry at anybody. I saw this cute guy, Jess made me dance with him. Lasted all of six songs. And then.. I really don't even know. Ahahahah. I had two drinks at Nightlife, and a drink there. I can say there was a connection. Hmm. Anyway, turns out this guy is hella chill. As Jess says, just your type. Ahahaha. Random. Hopefully he's coming out tonight with us. Oh, there was drama at Holy Cow. Like a fight drama. So bad. That fight was intense. Ahahaah.

Now I should get ready for tonight. Gonna be a boxer. Of sorts. Meaning I'm wearing a sports bra and some booty shorts. Teehee.

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