Wednesday, October 19


This is personal, but alla way.

It sucks fighting with a friend. I can't, won't go in to details. But it's killing me. I need you to take as much time as you need to figure you out. I can't do what was happening in the past before. I can no longer baby you, force you to speak. I also do not want to make you do things that you don't want to do. There isn't much left to say about that situation. I love you. I will always be your friend. But I won't tolerate you being so unsure of yourself. You're an adult. We're adults.

My friends and I have such different personalities. There's the passive one, the assertive one, and then me, the aggressive one. How in the world does that happen? We compliment each other so well though. I mean, with me wanting it all and not afraid to go get it, it's nice to have a friend to tell me to calm down and to let other people approach me. It's nice to have a friend that's more shy and break them out of their shell.

This has been on my mind since Sunday night? Or was it Monday? Whatever. It's weighing heavily on my heart and soul. It's making me slightly emotional.

I'm gonna release these feelings tonight on somebody. Good or bad, whatever.

Different note, my mother has been on my case. Omgah, Jazminn do this, Jazminn do that. I'm getting annoyed each and every time she says my name. Why must I wake up at the crack of dawn to take Joi to school? What will happen when I move out? Joi will have to find her own way. I'm going to start to just say I had a sip. I'm testing the waters out tonight by not really coming home. I'll prolly crash out somewhere tonight. We'll see what happens.

I need to think of something to do for Halloween. I know there are parties Friday and Saturday. I can do both. Be HARDCORE. ahhaahah. I'm wondering if the costume idea should change. Ahh, so many random things.

By the mother fucking way, that guy has two weeks.

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