Monday, June 7

Lucky me

Everything happens for a reason. Omgah. I was so excited to meet the head of the department that I wanna transfer to the other day at work. I can actually do this. I just gotta put in a request. And with this, I think I'll be much happier. I did sweep yesterday, then roving, then sweep again during the Jai Ho festival. I got picked to work there. Yess. Omgah, I need to mention that one of the supervisors looks like Erik. It's soo weird. I look at the Supe and see Erik. It's bugging, but I'm gonna manage since I'm gonna be transferring soon. I feel bad since Tiffany kinna went outta her way to help me, but I mean, it's nothing personal. This is just what I wanna do. Ahh.

Anyway, today I should be cleaning my room, It's super messy. I'm hoping that mom will just get to it. Ahahha. And then I'm spending the day with my boyfriend. His second phase is a/b to start. 9-7am. I'm kinna glad he has this phase now b/c that means he'll stay w/ mornings for the time until shift sign ups. I want him to stay with Swing. He likes it, and I do too.

I got a new phone, by accident, ahahah. I dropped it in water at work. And it drowned pretty much. So now I'm rockin' the Flight. I knewe it was the one I wanted from awhile ago. It's a nice phone. And the guy who sold it to me was cool. Hooray for Michael.

Mmkay, time to get ready.

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