Monday, May 31


Gahh, lots of stuff is different since the last time I was on here. Idk why I'm soo lazy to just turn the laptop on and punch buttons. Anyway, I started working at Great America. Yay, kinna. I love the fact that I have a job, but the drive is already starting to wear on me and I just don't like how I'm doing EVERYTHING. I need to be doing something else.. transfer seems to be a good choice. I'll see a/b doing that pretty soon. Um, my little sister is now 14. We (the fam+Katt) went to Santa (I almost typed Satan, is that a sign ?) Cruz for her birthday. I need to talk to my doctor a/b my Vertigo b/c it's coming back and it suckssss. The last ride we went on I got hella sick. And Joi's phone fell outta her pocket, but it mysteriously landed okay. Ahahaha. Stupid phone. Anyway, my little cousin Soyhala graduated high school and she's off to Sac. Yay Faveee. You know I'm super proud of you. Don't forget to visit me. The condo is almost done, like SERIOUSLY now. The floors are in. I guess now that's left is furniture. I'm gonna check out this one store in San Mateo today by myself to get some things, b/c I'm tired of just waiting around for things to happen. If I don't take initiative, it seems like things never get done.

Um, I'm starting to see how important words are, and how important it is to choose them wisely. It's starting to bug me now more than ever when a person says I promise and they break that promise. Don't make me empty promises anymore. Don't even say anything if you're not 100% that you'll be able to do it.

My sister graduates on Thursday. And she wants BeniHana for her meal. I went to Hungry Hunter. That's super unfair, but whatever. The times have changed. I invited Stan, but Idk if he'll come. Something always manages to happen with him. And I'm not gonna fret b/c he's not gonna ruin my little sister's day. So there. I know my bfffffffffffff will be there.

I guess I should be getting ready for whatever. Yea.

Sunday, May 9

I'm so lost

I don't know what the hell happened, but something happened. I think in the end it'll be worth it, but I don't know. I'm just soo bleh. Like seriously. What they hell is going on ? How should I be feeling.

And today I realized that I'm such a changed person. I can do whatever the hell I want, but it's how I FEEL as I'm doing it that makes me different. I felt bad. I feel bad. I might just try it for a bit though. I'm sooo ready to just drop it though. We'll see what happens.

I'm gonna be ready for school this week. I'm gonna actually do homework. I haven't in a while.

I feel sick. I came home last night (or this morning if you wanna be super technical) and then I just THREW up. It was soo weird. I NEVER throw up and for this to happen freaked me out. I think it's the Orajel. Cuz now that I took some, I'm starting to feel the same way that I did yesterday. It's seriously weird. Hmmm.

Um.. yea. Today's.. I don't know. I feel.. Idk.

Tuesday, May 4

I'm tired

I should sleep. I DO have school 2m. But today is Stan's first day PATROLLING. I haven't blogged in soo long. There was the banquet and graduation, which I have to upload videos for. Today's his first shift, and he's off at 2am. It really isn't that bad. I'm okay with this shift. I just feel bad b/c I can't see him or hear from him since I'll be sleeping when he's working. Ahhh.

I haven't heard anything from the place.. which is starting to scare me. Idk what's going on. I'm hoping that it'll be soon. I hate worrying over things.

I've been reading this book called "I Love a Cop" and it's helping me get in tune with what he's going through. It is also telling me what I should and shouldn't be accepting as okay behavior. I'm learning a lot and I'm glad Stan bought me the book.

2m I'm going to go donate blood. I'm gonna eat something REALLY fatty before I go. Maybe that way I can actually do it. Stupid anemia. It worked the first time. Then I gotta get a mani pedi for the funeral.

Thursday is the funeral for Uncle Rocky. Omgah, it's soo hard to believe that he's gone. He was here. And I feel terrible for not saying goodbye. I'm just not that type of person.

Um, I really don't know what else to say. Condo is nearly finished. The painting should be all done. Just flooring is left. Then furniture. Omgah.

Mmkay, I'm gettin' in the bed. My eyes are super heavy.