Tuesday, February 9

Fuck it.

I'm still VERY upset at the WORLD. I've put in soo much effort in trying to get a job. I don't care if the economy sucks. I know I'm more than qualified to get a job. I'm so sad. I'm over trying. I don't think it's fair that I keep putting myself up for failure, when I know I don't even deserve it. I probably will work harder than anybody else that these companies find. I read once that you go on three interviews, and you get a job. I've gone on like, fifty. And NOTHING has come outta it. I don't wanna give up, but why should I try ? I don't think ANYBODY understands what it's like. I REALLY wanted to go to an NSA meeting, but Stan doesn't want me to go by myself. The next meeting is on the 16th. Maybe I'll go, but I've learned to not get my hopes up with going somewhere with Stan unless it's on one of our scheduled days, b/c they pretty frequently get cancelled. The second worst feeling coming after not getting a job, because I stutter. And I have proof of this. I can sue. Hmmm. I'll talk it over with the parents. See what I can do.

Anyway, Disneyland is in less than a few days. Yay. I'm sooo ready for the fun. I'm off Friday, so maybe me and Katt can reschedule our movie day until then, so that we could go and see Beyah. But yea. Friday Joi has a game, then I gotta make sure I have everything, and then we're off to the airport for 9. I gotta book the blue shuttle. Or whatever that thing is called. Then we check in, sleep, wake up, free breakfast, and then Disneyland. All day until the park closes. Then back home, prolly find somewhere that has dinner close by. Then sleep, and wake up for Knotts. Yay, that's gonna be even more fun. Then back to the airport. And home. REMEMBER TO BRING CAMERA. And batteries. I have the gift already packed. I might get s'more stuff though.

I'm tired. And I wanna clean the cage before I go.

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