Tuesday, August 31


This relationship is going so well. Stan is being super good to me. And now I'm starting to see how awesome he is and how lucky I am to have him. I just wish he could say some of these things back to me, you know ? Anyway, I get to spend another weekend with him. Hopefully this one will be just as awesome as the last few have been. I'm hoping so.

I'm actually focusing on school. Instead of just being lazy with my classes, I'm staying up on my shit. Yay me. So far I'm only missing one assignment for Arch, but it's just a load of crap. That class irks me. The teacher doesn't explain much, but I'm a bit ahead of the class in my understanding of all of the tools, so I hope that it'll show and I'll stay there. Ugh. My design class... these teachers are slow. They never let us out early, they blab and blab about things that aren't relevant to the entire class, show slides about things and don't really explain them AND show a million at once. They should be a bit more understanding and realize that we have smaller attention spans, that we need breaks, that the class is at night and most of us work during the day. Ugh. Bio is fun. I love my group. I hope to stay in touch with them. They're super fun. Hella like a girl power type of thing, ahahaah. Geo is only fun b/c I'm taking it with Nina ! Woot woot. If it weren't for her, I'd die in that class. I need to try to beat that Jasper dude to the other side of the table. I'll try on Thursday. Wake up super duper early.

I have an interview Wednesday for a simpler job, hopefully I'll get it. If not, I just applied for a job at Enterprise rental service and they said a recruiter would be with me w/in five business days, so I'm looking forward to that. I need monies and soon. Bills suck. I gotta make sure I stay up on this payment before I fall behind.

Sunday, August 29


Love can make you do crazy things.
Love can make the smallest things seem so much bigger.
Love is an emotion that is super hard to describe.
Love is what I've found in Stanislav K. Bratchikov. Even when we argue over doughnuts and who gets to pick the next movie, it's awesome. Spending full weekends with him like a normal couple is something I NEVER would've thought could happen until we were like.. engaged, but it has happened, and I'm excited it's happening. Hopefully it'll stay this way, forever.

Tuesday, August 24


So, I'm having another pity party for myself, but I mean, I brought it upon myself. Let's just say I did something hella stupid but now it's okay. I just gotta move on.

School's started. It's so much fun. Little classes, but I'm working my ass off. I will get this shit done. No doubt.

I'm looking for a new job. It's not worth the drama, the headache, the heat, or the pay for alla that work. Thinking a/b quitting soon. Hmm.

I gotta finish this arch hw. I have hella for that class. And my design 101 class since the fucking teachers suck at teaching. I'm rating them poorly. Ahahha.

Friday, August 6


I should have Stan's tv paid off in 10 months, if I simply pay $75 a month. I'm learning how to save my finances for things that I really need instead of just going out and spending money whenever I feel like it. I also must save for Vegas (if that's even still happening) and for Disneyworld for our three year. Maybe I can get by some what since it'll be my birthday for Vegas. But Disneyland is EASILY $800 for a week. That's a lot of money. Which is why I need a real job. Argh. Something more stable. I mean, GA is fun, but it'll be weekends only soon, and that's barely enough to have me get by, you know ? Ugh. It's so hard growing up

-I wish that others can see how retarded they look on the outside. Like this one guy I know. So fulla crap it's insane. I wish that I didn't even have to deal with it. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who realizes it.
-I met one of Stan's cop buddies, Jason, and he's a cool guy. Hooray for Stan for not having all stupid friends. Ahahahhaha.

It's almost me and Stan's 2.5 year anniversary. I know what I wanna do, but Idk if it'll be enough. I want it to be special, memorable, you know ? This is my longest relationship now. I'm excited. What should I do ? Ugh. I wonder what he's gonna do. B/c if he's gonna do the same thing, it's not gonna work. I need space... Hmm.

School is starting on the 16th. Omgah. I'm at 14 units now, and wanna get in one more night class to finish this one class. Next semester I should only be taking classes for my major. Woot woot. And poly sci. Then I should be ready to go and transfer. My major is so difficult, so many damn classes that have a million pre reqs. I'm gonna talk to dad and order books tonight.

2m is Katy's family bbq picnic thing and I'm excited a/b it. I love my bfffffff with a passion.